Your furniture is not an exception to the dirty nature of life. Stains are an adversary we continually combat, from the spills of a glass of red wine on a couch to kids bringing mud inside after playing outside. We’ve compiled a list of the most frequent stains and ways to remove and clean them off furniture so you can enter the fray well-prepared.

The best ways to remove stains from fabric furniture

The best way to remove stains from fabric furniture is to act quickly. The sooner you attend to a stain, the easier it will be to get rid of it. Here are some tips for removing common types of stains:

1. Water-Based Stains: These include coffee, tea, soda, and wine. To remove them, blot the area with a damp cloth and then use a mild laundry detergent solution. If that doesn’t work, try rubbing alcohol or a commercial spot remover.

2. Grease-Based Stains: These include food oils and grease from hands and hair products. To remove them, apply a dry-cleaning solvent or spot remover specifically designed for fabric furniture. If that doesn’t work, try using an upholstery shampoo or steam cleaner on the stained area.

3. Ink Stains: These can be tricky, but there are some solutions that may work depending on the type of ink used. For ballpoint pen ink, apply rubbing alcohol or hairspray directly onto the stain and pat with a damp cloth until it is removed. For permanent marker ink, apply an aerosol hairspray or dry-cleaning solvent and pat with a damp cloth until it is removed.

In addition to these tips for removing specific types of stains from fabric furniture, you should also regularly vacuum your furniture to keep dust and dirt from accumulating—this will help prevent future stains from forming. Finally, be sure to read the care instructions for your particular piece of fabric furniture—this will give you more specific instructions on how to clean it properly so that it looks its best for years to come!

Tips for Pre-Cleaning Furniture to Remove Stains

Be sure to read these crucial tips before you begin the cleaning process:

  • Read the cleaning instructions from the manufacturer. Important details in these instructions can enable you to eliminate the stain without looking into alternative treatments. If you don’t adhere to it, you might void warranties and harm your furniture rather than repair it.
  • Check out the tags. By addressing concerns regarding cleaning dos and don’ts for that particular piece, like whether the material or fabric is water soluble, checking the tags of your furniture can make the procedure simpler. Upon this cleaning tag on your upholstery furniture, you’ll typically discover one of four letters. This is what they imply:
    • W — Water can be used to clean this material.
    • S – No water. A specialized cleaner using solvents is required.
    • WS — You can clean using solvent-based cleaners or water.
    • X — Needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Only a vacuum or brush can be used to remove the particles.
  • Vacuum before you begin cleaning. This gets rid of any remaining dirt from prior messes and spills so that it won’t get cleaned up into the fabric.
  • Test it out if you are unsure. Choose a hidden place to test the cleaning process in case you can’t discover the directions or are unsure whether it will remove the stain. If necessary, modify the method as needed.

Red Wine Stains

Red Wine

Wine party. The dreaded wine spills on the carpet and furniture occasionally happens on Wednesdays or peaceful nights at home. Try as hard as you can to be calm when this occurs. Follow these simple instructions to quickly remove a wine stain off the furniture so you may resume drinking and having a good time.

  1. Use a clean, dry cloth or towel to blot the area to remove any excess liquid. Avoid scrubbing.
  2. Directly on the stain spot, pour a tiny amount of carbonated water. Blot to dry. Iterate as necessary.
  3. To make a paste, combine 1/8 cup water with 1/4 cup baking soda. Apply the paste on the stain and wait for it to completely dry for many hours. Then vacuum it up.

Oil and Butter

In addition to being terrible for your health, eating oily and fatty foods is also harmful to your upholstery. If you don’t know what to do to remove stains from your furniture, greasy hands create a lasting trace. Use these procedures to swiftly and effectively clean up an oil – based food mess if you find yourself in that situation. To clean grease stains off furniture, there have been a few different methods you can try; compare them all to discover which one is best for your piece.

  1. Baking soda or cornstarch should be sprinkled over the spot, and it should sit for 15 to 20 minutes. This helps in removing the grease.
  2. Utilize the upholstery attachment to vacuum the area.
  3. Scrub the area with some dish soap and soft items just like a toothbrush.
  4. With a wet paper towel, blot it down.


Although small in comparison to a large red wine stain on your couch, ink stains will eventually turn the furniture into such a priceless work of art that nobody wants to buy. Keep house upholstery looking as good as it did once you got it by following these instructions, regardless of whether your kids wrote on the living room chair cushions and your pen dripped ink on the sofa.

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 2/3 cup rubbing alcohol.
  2. Utilizing the cleaning solution, blot the stain with a clean cloth or towel.
  3. WARNING: Avoid rubbing the stain because doing so will only make it worse.

Dirt and Mud

Dirt and mud will always find their way into the house, despite what you do. The aim is to keep any dirt in the entryway, but this doesn’t always happen as planned. Keeping mud out of your house is a near-impossible challenge when you have kids, pets, and visitors. With these strategies, you can overcome the issue of cleaning furniture stains.

  1. Dry the dirt out. Scrape away any excess, then vacuum up any stray debris.
  2. 2 cups of water and a tablespoon of crystal-clear dishwashing liquid should be dissolved.
  3. Put the solution on that stain using a sponge.
  4. Blot to dry. Repeat as necessary.

Coffee and Beer

Most working folks typically just consume beer and coffee. These drinks are delightful and make your day better, but sadly, they leave stains on your furniture and stain it. Don’t cut off the drinks in your diet because you’re worried about their staining ability. Use these simple cleaning instructions to remove the stains off the upholstery on such messy days.

  1. Rub an ice cube over alcohol stains.
  2. Combine a small amount of liquid detergent (about a teaspoon) with warm water.
  3. Apply this solution to the stain and blot it with a paper towel.
  4. The same method may be used to get rid of coffee stains; however, you may skip the ice cube stage and go straight towards the detergent solution.

Pet Stains

Our furry friends fill the house with so much happiness and fun, but they sometimes leave behind terrible messes. Avoid getting sidetracked for too long by those adorable “I’m sorry” expressions, since the stains that pets leave behind can transform your house into a huge, stench-filled kennel. By applying these methods, you can keep your home looking fresh and clean and get stains off of your furniture:

  1. Combine 1 cup of white vinegar with one cup of cold water to create a solution.
  2. Spray the stain with the solution(avoid soaking the area).
  3. Blot the spot with a fresh towel or piece of clothing. Work your way toward the center of the stain from its edges.

For Cleaning and Removing Stains in Fabric Chairs

How can fabric chairs be cleaned without rubbing stains on them? Start with these quick tips for flawless results.

1. Determine the fabric type. Use just the cleaner designed for the cloth type you are working with. Check its cleaning care tags and perhaps try a cleaner on the small area before attempting to remove stains if you are unsure of which cleaning products to use.

2. Vacuum any loose dirt to remove it. It is simple for loose dirt to settle in and produce a brand-new stain. Regularly vacuuming your chair will help you avoid this.

3. Create your own solution. Fabric chairs can frequently be cleaned with such DIY solutions, but the majority of vinyl & leather upholstery can be suitable using furniture polish.

  • Make your own if the fabric of the chair can withstand a water solution. Stir water and soap in a bowl, with water making about 3/4 of the mixture.
  • Blot the stain with a clean cloth and a small bit of the solution.

4. Use hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide or ammonia can also be used to treat any stains on a chair made of cloth. To do this, just dab the discoloration with a towel dipped with hydrogen peroxide (microfiber works best). To ensure that hydrogen peroxide won’t harm the upholstery fabric, test a tiny piece of the upholstery.

5. Use a steamer to thoroughly clean. Using a steam cleaner instead of just wiping with a towel will result in a deeper cleaning. To avoid moisture buildup after steam cleaning, allow the chair to completely dry before using it once more.

For Cleaning and Removing Stains in Leather Fabric

1. Road Salt: In snowy places throughout the winter, salt stains on boots and shoes are frequent. Combine one part of water with one part of white vinegar to get clear of these stains. To get the salt out of the shoes, soak a cloth in its solution and blot or gently cover. To completely clean the area, this action could be done numerous times. When you’re done, they need to appear nearly brand new. Make sure to periodically wipe leather shoes using a moist towel and maintain a high polish with a conditioner.

2. Dark Stains: Create a paste by using one part lemon juice and one part tartar cream to remove dark stains off light-colored leather. Apply the paste to the stain and let sit for approximately 10 minutes. Put another layer of the paste on, massage it in, then remove it with a moisturizing soap or even water-soaked sponge.

3. Mold: Combine one part water and one part rubbing alcohol. Apply the affected area with a dampened cloth dipped in the alcohol solution. Clean up using a different moist towel. It will also get rid of mildew.

4. Ink Stains: To get rid of ink stains on leather, after dipping the cotton swab in a rubbing alcohol, carefully wipe the spot. Dry the area using a blow dryer. Use a thick cover of a non-oily, non-gel cuticle remover if a stain remains visible after drying. After leaving all night, remove it using a moist towel.

5. Oil Stains: Apply baking soda or perhaps a  cornstarch over the stain to eliminate grease or oil. Gently massage it in. Allow to sit for some few hours or the entire night. The oil will be absorbed by the soda or starch. Apply a gentle cloth to the powder and remove it.

Common mistakes people make when trying to clean their furniture

One of the most frustrating things about owning fabric furniture is dealing with stains. No matter how careful you are, spills and accidents happen. And when they do, it’s important to know how to clean them up properly. That’s why we’re sharing this list of the most common mistakes people make when trying to clean their furniture.

1. Not using the right products: You can’t just use any old cleaner on your fabric furniture. You need to be sure to use a cleaner that’s specifically designed for use on fabrics. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging the material or making the stain worse.

2. Not testing first: Before you start cleaning, it’s important to test the cleaner on an inconspicuous spot first. This will help you make sure that it won’t damage the fabric or cause any other problems.

3. Rubbing too hard: When you’re trying to remove a stain, it can be tempting to scrub vigorously. But if you rub too hard, you could end up damaging the fabric or making the stain bigger. Instead, blot gently until the stain is gone.

4. Not treating quickly enough: The sooner you treat a stain, the better chance you have of getting it out completely. If you wait too long, the stain will set and become much harder to remove.

Tips for Preventing Stains on Fabric Furniture

To prevent stains on your fabric furniture, regular maintenance is key. Here are some helpful tips to ensure your furniture stays looking clean and new:

1. Vacuum or brush the fabric regularly – This will help to remove any dirt and dust that can cause staining over time. Make sure to use a vacuum with an upholstery attachment for the best results.

2. Spot clean when needed – If you notice a stain developing, act quickly by spot cleaning it with a mild detergent and warm water. Blot the area dry after cleaning so that no moisture is left behind.

3. Apply a protector – Applying a fabric protector to your furniture can help create a barrier against spills and other liquids that could potentially cause staining. There are many products available specifically designed for this purpose, so make sure to read the instructions carefully before applying them to your furniture.

4. Use coasters & place mats – Hot items, such as coffee mugs or plates, can leave behind unsightly burn marks if not properly protected. Be sure to keep coasters and place mats handy at all times so that you can easily place them beneath items before setting them down on the fabric surface of your furniture.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to keep your fabric furniture looking great for years to come!

Professional Fabric Furniture Cleaners

Why professional cleaners are the best option for cleaning your furniture

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about stains on your furniture. But if you have a light-colored couch or chair, they can be very noticeable. And if you have kids or pets, they can be impossible to avoid. That’s why it’s a good idea to call in professional cleaners when your furniture starts to look stained.

Professional cleaners have the experience and knowledge to know how to safely and effectively clean all types of furniture, including delicate fabrics. They also have access to the best cleaning products and equipment such as oxy spot and stain removal. This means that they can quickly and easily remove stains without damaging your furniture.

So if you notice stains on your fabric furniture, don’t try to clean them yourself. Instead, call in the professionals to get the job done right.

If you are in need of professionals to clean your upholstery, fabrics and furniture, don’t hesitate to call Ultra-Guard Fabric Protection. For more information, inquiries or questions regarding our services, you can call us at (949) 361-8181.



For more information on how can help you on your Fabric Furniture Stains, please contact us at (949) 361-8181, or visit us here:

Ultra-Guard Fabric Protection

33161 Camino Capistrano suite b, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, United States

(949) 361-8181

Fabric Protection San Juan Capistrano

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